It certainly is a troubling time with the rapid spread of the Coronavirus sweeping the world.
It’s no exaggeration that for most people, nothing quite like it has been experienced in living memory. There’s a lot of confusing information around and the advice seems to keep changing on a daily basis. This graphic found posted on twitter by @TheLoff provides a sensible guide to being careful …

Businesses in general are also experiencing an extremely challenging situation, testing the most robust of #BusinessContinuity plans. Again from twitter, this summary posted by the @Cabq Economic Development Department, provides an overview of the tips and resources they have put together for businesses and organisations navigating through the Coronavirus …

@yellowsbestltd our mission is to assist with ‘Keeping Customers Operational’. We’re keen to continue to provide #solutions and #services – let us know if we can help!
Most importantly, stay safe!
Further reading and advice:
WHO – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
GOV-UK – COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Coronavirus: How to track the virus spread across the world as cases reach 180,000 via @CNET